It was common for the catalogues of nineteenth-century prosthesis makers to contain testimonials outlining the quality of the devices being advertised. One such commentary, which appeared in American firm A. A. Marks’s 1888 catalogue included the following from one Mrs. E. R. Gage: “for durability, ease, comfort, and applicability, no artificial leg can compare to yours”. The devices and writings of A. A. Marks are discussed in detail Ryan Sweet’s free 2022 book Prosthetic Body Parts in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture.
A clerk’s daughter, who lost a leg in a railway accident. She’s now an aspiring governess.
Start with £5.
Victory Conditions
Claim love (not in Slums, Docks, or Gin Palace).
Buy a property (not the Slums).
Buy the Marks Artificial Leg and work at the Country Estate.